Is it necessary to use preservatives for long maintenance of frozen fruits and vegetables?
Answer: Frozen vegetables and fruits do not need any preservatives. Production includes a process called Blanching, meaning heating the product (not the cooking process), destroying tissue lysis enzymes and pigments; Therefore IQF causes retention of vegetables and fruits for a long period of time.
Is any pigment added to fruits and vegetables for the purpose of beauty?
Answer: No, in some products, the Blanching process described above causes the fixation of the natural color of product, and the beautiful color of produce is the actual color of product, which is preserved finely as a result of IQF.
Does freezing vegetables and fruits in home freezers harm their quality?
Answer: Yes, because the temperature in a home freezer is an average of -18 degrees celsius. This temperature is only suitable for preserving frozen fruits and vegetables, not to transform vegetables and fruits from the fresh state to the frozen state.
In order to freeze vegetables or fruits in home freezers, an approximately 24-hour period is required. This long process causes the formation of ice crystals in the produce’s tissue. These ice crystals damage the tissue cells and after defreezing cause the loss of interstitial water and thuss many vitamins and nutrients in the process, and also highly damages the final product quality.
While the IQF method is carried out with the help of high – industrial freezing technology only over a few minutes and so quickly, there is no possibility of ice crystals forming in cells and cause very little damage to quality.
If we use fresh vegetables and fruits, how much is it going to turn into waste?
Answer: If you get 1 kg of frozen vegetable or fruit using the IQF method, right up to the last bit of it is usable and there is no waste.
If you buy fresh vegetables and fruits, besides removing the wastes such as roots, some stems, shells etc., some fruits and vegetables will always remain in our kitchens for different reasons, and they turn into waste as time goes by, while we pay for them.
The following diagram shows the result of a comprehensive survey in one of the European countries declaring how much of fresh vegetables and fruits we buy becomes wastage:
It’s an absolute economical and productive choice to buy IQF frozen vegetables and fruits.
Are vegetables and fruits produced in Nobarsabz transgenic (genetically modified)?
Answer: No, the Nobarsabz company has strong rules against using transgenic products, as well as the laws of the Islamic Republic of Iran, having strong measures not permitting the import and production of transgenic food products in the country.
The Nobarsabz company has taken effective steps to ensure that the products are not transgenic, including:
– Vegetable and fruit seed and seedlings control
– Selection of controlled farms
– Inspection of harvested crops
Nobarsabz Cultivation and Industry Complex
The Nobarsabz Company began operating since 1995 as the founder of frozen fruits and vegetables production using the IQF method in Iran.
With the application of the latest European and American technology and machines, we have managed to produce high – quality products. As of now, our products are exported to over 10 countries all around the world.
Cultivated fields: 500 hectares
Direct Employment: 150
Exporting countries: 10 countries
Annual production: 10,000 tones
Nobarsabz, supporter of stable agriculture
Nobarsabz co., with constant research and innovation in the field of agriculture, supports the development of this sector of the economy.
We believe that with the modern methods of agriculture, the maximum efficiency and quality in agricultural products can be achieved along with minimizing the impact on the environment, and this is the stable agriculture.
Summary of the Individually Quick-Freezing method (IQF):
In this method, fruits and vegetables are frozen at a temperature of -40 C° and in the condition of weightlessness (floating state). Within a few minutes, the high speed freezing prevents the interstitial water between plant cells to form ice crystals. As a result, much less damage is imported into the tissue and plant cells, which preserves the quality, freshness, flavor, smell, properties, and vitamins of the produce. Weightless conditions also make vegetables and fruits freeze separately and individually from each other.
Are any preservatives required in vegetables and fruits frozen using the Individual Quick-Freezing method?
No, because at -18 C° (food storage temperature in the freezer) there is no active bacteria and microorganisms that can cause food spoilage. Therefore there is no need to add preservatives.
Nobarsabz, from the farm to the kitchens. Vegetables and fruits begin to lose vitamins and nutrients from the moment they are harvested. Usually, the fruits and vegetables we buy are harvested, transferred to the warehouses weeks before, and then they are transferred to the market. Meanwhile, many of the nutrients in vegetables and fruits are lost.
According to researches on fruits and vegetables, they lose 30 to 40 percent of their quality due to the passage of time. Many products are harvested prematurely to maintain a better look and have a longer life.
In the Nobarsabz factory, by cutting the time from harvest to production (over a few hours), we allow the products to be fully ripe and therefore have a much better taste and more vitamins and nutrients. On the other hand, using the IQF technology, we make sure the products do not lose more vitamins and nutrients.
Frozen vegetables and fruits using IQF method have better flavor and more nutrients compared to the fresh products in the market.
Internal and external extensive distribution and sale network:
Many consumers across Iran and four continents are using our products and services and our goal is to expand this network as much as possible.